Who we are
committee Officers
Interim Chair: Kelly Whitman, New Hope
Interim Vice Chair: Liz Sheehan, Solebury
Treasurer: Mike Renzo
Secretary: Liz Sheehan
elected officials: New hope borough
Committee People: Kristin Donnelly, Stacey Endress
Borough Council Members
Ken Maisel, President (term expires 2027)
Michelle Becci, Vice President (term expires 2025)
Connie Gering (term expires 2025)
Peter Meyer (term expires 2025)
Kelly Whitman (term expires 2027)
Constable: Frank DeLuca (term expires 2027)
Judge of Elections: Candace Souweine (term expires 2025)
Inspector of Elections: Dee Dee Bowman (term expires 2025)
New Hope-Solebury School Board Directors
John Augenblick (Re-Elected 2023 – Term Expires 2027)
Judeth Finn (Re-Elected 2023 – Term Expires 2027)
Nikhil Heble (Re-Elected 2023 – Term Expires 2027)
Andrew Ordover (Re-Elected 2021 – Term Expires 2025)
Montu Patel (Re-Elected 2023 – Term Expires 2027)
Dana Schwartz (Re-Elected 2021 – Term Expires 2025)
Liz Sheehan (Re-Elected 2021 – Term Expires 2025)
Ellen Stiefel (Appointed 2024 – Term Expires 2025)
Linda Szwedo (Elected 2023 – Term Expires 2027)
Democratic State Representative 29th:
Tim Brennan (Re-Elected 2024)
Democratic State Senator 10th:
Steve Santarsiero (Re-Elected 2022)
elected officials: solebury Township
Lower 1
Committee People: Adrienne Cornwall, Joanna Caplan
Judge of Elections: Deborah Peckman
Inspector of Elections: Heather Ordover
Lower 2
Committee People: Paul Secraw, Mike Picone
Judge of Elections: Kathleen O’Brien
Inspector of Elections: Joanne Reszka
Committee People: Emily Downs
Judge of Elections: R. Scott Creighton
Inspector of Elections: Open
Committee People: Mike Renzo, Scott Blank
Judge of Elections: Mike Renzo
Majority Inspector of Elections: Laura Kim
Township Supervisors
Hanna Howe (Elected 2021 - Term Expires 2027)
Kevin Morrissey (Elected 2021 - Term Expires 2027)
Christy Cheever (Elected 2023 - Term Expires 2029)
Mark Baum Baicker (Elected 2019 - Term Expires 2025)
John Francis (Elected 2019 - Term Expires 2025)
Township Constable: Kay Reiss (Elected 2021)
Auditors: Bill Birnes, Ali Glickman
Bucks County
Diane Marseglia, Commissioner (2027)
Bob Harvie, Commissioner (2027)
Eileen Albillar, Clerk of Courts (2027)
Patti Campi, Coroner (2027)
Linda Bobrin, Register of Wills (2027)
Kris Ballerini, Treasurer (2027)
29th Assembly District Chair: Susan O’Neill
Democratic Principles and our values (see below) are integrated into all levels of government
Educate, energize, and mobilize New Hope and Solebury residents to elect Democratic Party candidates who share our values to all levels of government, with a particular focus on local races
We believe in equity and inclusion across our community and work to protect our rights free from discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender identity, age, ability, health status, national origin, immigration or citizenship status, or military service. We support equitable access for all to public services, basic human needs, civil rights, health care, education, justice, and economic opportunity.
We value the health and safety of our neighbors, our environment and our public institutions that are critical to serving the needs of our community.
We strive to encourage robust participation in the civic life of our community and support leaders who share our values and demonstrate empathy, integrity and character.
“The lessons of history call on us to speak against injustice to protect marginalized communities and ensure the horrors of the past aren’t repeated.”